I had been meaning to share this for a while. Just didn't know where to start from or what would make a right set of words to express. Finally, I did what I usually do. Not wait for the 'perfect' note but pen down what I want to convey.
There may be typos, errors, some discontinuity, you name it but as long as it is meaningful, even for just one person, it will do.
What you do see
My facebook page is an outlet and a connection with outside world. I often post about the art, the paintings, the milestones, shows, awards etc etc. Its the joy, the excitement, and the above all, the sense of accomplishment that makes me want to share with all. Art has given me a direction, a purpose and a sense of usefulness. It helps me focus better on what I can contribute not just as a visual artist but also a responsible citizen. When I share my artwork or my love for artwork, I hope to make a positive impact on others' life.
My Audience
But all said and done, here is a fact - art is a thing of luxury and not the necessity of life. What it means to others is a choice. They may wish to bring it into their lives or may choose to ignore it altogether. Some might even get annoyed by the showcasing of paintings every now and then. Which is okay. I totally get it.
But as an artist, I cannot stop exhibiting art. It may serve no purpose to those who don't want art but I have a role for those who like art and welcome it. So, its something you would routinely see in your feed. Also expect it to get better in future. You, the viewer, deserve it.

What I don't Post
I feel if you relate to me in any way, you would like to know what I don't share. It is not a pleasure to show everyone that behind many awards hide the multitude of rejections. Not all paintings make it to the juried shows. Not every entry wins.
In my studio, there are tons of failed paintings who never move beyond a certain level of mediocrity and hence never see the light of the day and subsequently gets painted over!
Behind successful commissioned art lie rejected proposals. Behind happily accepted painting-assignments lie unpaid works.
Yes, this is the stuff that never makes to the facebook wall of fame! Like it doesn't exist. But it very conspicuously does.
Its negative and powerful. So powerful that it routinely puts things into perspective and makes each success so much sweeter!
If you are an artist or not but sailing in the same boat - just know, this is how the life is. Enjoy what you do and keep a positive attitude. You will achieve what you are striving for!
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