Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 11 - 13 (Aug 13 - 15): Portraits Taking Shape

Let me begin with a huge thanks to the models without whom this series would be impossible. Thank you for taking time to be a part of it.

Because of you, in the past couple of days:

  • I had gotten four portraits started
  • Prepped and primed a board
  • Completed a charcoal/ pencil prep study
  • One study of a model who offered to hold the pose for almost 30 mins

You all are super special to me!

For those who haven't had the photoshoot yet, please bear with me. You are in the list and we will schedule as discussed. If you signed up but didn't hear from me, please send me a pm.

There will be no photoshoots in the coming week but I will keep updating here and on FB page.

Will get back on Monday. Till then!

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