Thursday, March 21, 2013

Knitting Season Coming to a Close with 70 FOs

Yes, its Spring! 

Spring has such defining effect on everyone - its but natural to let loose and allow oneself to be one with the nature. Birds, buds, flora and us - we all love saying goodbyes to the chilly winter mornings and open our arms and hearts to the pinkness of the warm Sun.

Its that time of the season when the knitter inside me starts to put down the tools of the trade, wraps up and hands over the keys to the painter in the waiting.  Spring also calls for the review of the knitting season before its over for the year!

I am quite happy to have finished the fiber projects that I started this year. The numbers are higher than last year, which keeps me hopeful for better for the next time. My Rave account shows 70 projects so far, which is reassuring for a season knitter and I say,  just a beginning for more handknits in the future.

How do you celebrate this season?

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