Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Sep 15 -17 : Day 35 Today

I am happy to report that I have only a few of the under sketches to do this week. If everything goes by the book. I should have 2 more finished pieces ready to show.

I have to admit, I am not quite regular on posting pictures. Its seems like a commitment to transfer the pics from cam to com! Its comforting to know that its all there and will be posted and thus gets ignored in the light of work-at-hand and creating art.

Last week was special for I participated in a well attended artists' reception to the HTLT exhibition that opened last week. Loved to meet so many established artists at one place. Attending it with family was a dream come true. I would like to thank all my friends who support me and came down to the gallery.

If you are planning to go, please make sure to check the main hall of the gallery where my work is on display until Oct 11.

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