Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The color purple

The colors have immense power, we all know that. Black is synonym of dark, white for light, red, is almost a statement. But I never realized the power of color purple. The color of shade, the shadow, the negative space! Boy, does it do wonders to the canvas. How it changes the mood, how it enhances the ambiance, how it fills the void and how it calms you down.

One doesn't have to be an artist to appreciate what a color holds within. A surprise, a provocation, a curiosity, and a deafening silence! Its magical. Its musical. Its pure fun. One has to experience their own color. Yes, their own color. That holds an entire canvas together, like a undercurrent through the painted scene. A harmony than keeps everything balanced.

I had to share what plein air taught me - the sense of immediacy. The light changes as the painting progresses and the artist moves further within the realm of the work. One moves another races. Who wins - only one can say. There is no right answer to that one. And that's the thrill. The artist knows when he won or won. There is no loss only a fleeting moment of the feeling of not winning, if at all.

Just like life, you see what you choose to see. And that's the way it should be. Compassion, concentration and a hope for the best. Things just happen. Keep smiling!

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